Proposed Water Transfer

North Yuba Water District Petition to the Division of Water Rights to change Permit 11518 so the District can sell water to other water agencies.

North Yuba Water District (NYWD) proposes to transfer up to 15,000 acre-feet (AF) of water pursuant to Water Code section 1725 et seq., under water right Permit 11518. NYWD proposes to transfer water from the date of approval of this petition through November 2022. This 15,000 acre-feet (AF) of water is currently stored in South Feather Water & Power Agency's (SFWPA) Little Grass Valley Reservoir and Sly Creek Reservoir.

Of this 15,000 AF, NYWD proposes to transfer 10,000 AF to (1) Westlands Water District, (2) Eagle Fields Water District, (3) Mercy Springs Water District, (4) Panache Water District, (5) Pacheco Water District, and (6) San Luis Water District. It further proposes to transfer 5,000 AF to Byron-Bethany Irrigation District.

list of items posted on North Yuba Water District public record documents