Board Minutes May 25, 2017, Regarding Selling Water to So. California

At this meeting President Forguson said that Yuba County Supervisor Randy Fletcher had suggested that the General Manager attend meetings of the Association of California Water Agencies in Southern California so the Manager could, "meet agencies interested in possbile purchase of water..."

Meeting Minutes: "President Forguson said Yuba County Supervisor Randy Fletcher has asked if the District would send General Manager Maupin to the meetings of the ACWA (Association of California Water Agencies) in Southern California later this year. It was noted that the district has no budget for travel to attend these meetings. The meetings provide opportunity for the district to keep pace with changing regulations and technologies. It also provides opportunities to meet agencies interested in possible purchases of water that could fund needed District infrastructure. It was also suggested that local meetings of the ACWA can be attended by both Mr. Maupin and a North Yuba Water District director. All present board members concurred to agendize creating a travel budget."

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